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About Us

Our Story

Veterans Corner, Inc was found in ???. We have helped over ??? veterans and their dependents during that time.

We are a 503(c)(3) charity that is 100% supported by donations. We have a unique understanding of veterans’ needs because we were all soldiers at one time. We know what it’s like to transition from military life, how it feels to be forgotten or disregarded, and even how hard it is to face a service-related disability. We created Veterans Corner to provide a place where Veterans will always belong.

We are led 100% by volunteers, most being veterans and spouses of veterans, who have banded together as, “Veterans Helping Veterans.”

We are driven by values

Our goal is to help veterans get the benefits they’ve earned, the support they need, and the respect they deserve.

Art Sipes

Chairman of the Board

Jimmy Flowers

Vice Chair

David Sykes

Event and Fundraising Coordinator